EANGUS New Patriot – Fall 2017

EANGUS New Patriot – Fall 2017

Fall 2017 Edition Features: Area Information Enlisted Spotlight Washington Watch Disaster Relief From Our Corporate Partners: CTU, Recruit Military, Cadence Premier Helpful Resources  ...
AUSA Benefit for EANGUS Members

AUSA Benefit for EANGUS Members

As part of our continuous commitment to the strength of EANGUS, we are thrilled to announce EANGUS’s expanded relationship with the Association of the United States Army (AUSA). AUSA will provide us with its considerable expertise in conference management to increase...
EANGUS has a podcast!

EANGUS has a podcast!

Providing news and updates from the national headquarters of EANGUS, this podcast keeps you up-to-date on legislation, services, and events from Washington, D.C. Click here to listen on iTunes, or download on iTunes store.
November 2017 Drill Weekend Talking Points

November 2017 Drill Weekend Talking Points

TRICARE Reserve Select Expansion The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States is working hard for you. Congress is close to voting on this year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Included in the legislation is a provision that...
November 2017 Drill Weekend Talking Points

Drill Weekend Talking Points: August 2017

August 2017 Drill Weekend Talking Points   The Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017  (S. 1598 and H.R. 3218) During the week of July 24, the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee (HVAC) marked-up the H.R. 3218 and moved it favorably for...
Congratulations: 2017 Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations: 2017 Scholarship Recipients

CSM Virgil R. Williams Scholarship A scholarship  of $2,000 will be awarded to EANGUS members or dependents. Total number of scholarships will be based on contributions to We Care for America. This scholarship is for an undergraduate degree, and previous winners can...